The Full EP From My Latest Failure Is Finally Here
My Latest Failure Is back with a full EP built on honest lyrics, thrash rock and punk riffs, and enough guts to make you put your fists in the air and mosh around your living room.
The Failures, Vol:2 EP is packed with edgy guitars, hardcore breakdowns, and burtuality in all thebest ways you can think of.
Great punk music is built on honesty and upfront topics that others may not be able to express in song. My latest Failure never ceases to get it all out and does it with a hard hitting chorus and tons of balls.
Think 5 Finger Death Punch, Black Flag, and Sick Of It All coming together to form a new band. That's where these guys sit. They are in your face and blast you with that 8 minute record that takes you down.
This band has everything you can want from the genre and more with raging guitars, crushing percussion, and from the gut vocals that really hit perfectly.
The record is a great time but takes you on some personal journeys and with a tasteful aggression that lets you feel it all.
It's hard not to love this band if you're a fan of punk and hardcore music. There is an east coast undertone to it and everything comes through genuine and with a hell of a kick.
This EP is a follow up to Failures, Vol:1 which is also killer and has a ton of outstanding riffs and power and it's been quite some time since you've heard material like this.
It's all well worth cranking up and belting along with the hooks and choruses and jumping around to.
My Latest Failure is one of those groups you just want to see live as the songs give off that live show feel and you know it would be a great time. Maybe we'll get to see that some day soon.
For now, we have 2 great EP's to pump and we'll be doing just that, all day. You should join in.