A new single and Music Video from MONSTROSA

A new single and video release from Monstrosa hits with a heavy-handed metal and alt-rock tonality that blends that edgy guitar approach with hauntingly smooth vocals that come together and create this sort of atmosphere that feels like a combination of an outstanding live performance and a bit of a cinematic rock undertone.
"778" comes in with a trudging riff and a driving beat as the vocalist starts that haunt by chanting " don't follow me home, I live alone", and this sets the tone for the entire track.
Just before bursting into the main riff and overlaying lead guitar hook, which, by the way, is super addictive and takes note from bands like Iron Maiden, she mutters, "How the f*** did you get this address?"
It's almost like a horror flick in the form of a song, and I love that aspect and idea.
The guitar tone is spot on, bringing that heavy overdrive.
The drumming brings the song to life. They're super in the pocket, but they're never just flat out. They're always doing something new and pushing the song to this perfect sweet spot.
This is a super fun track, and it does blend elements of metal, alternative rock, and more as the song unfolds.
What grabs me is the way the vocalist sings. She has such a sort of beautiful voice. She double tracks her vocals on the song so that they sound thicker and really embed these gorgeous melodies over this edgy, punchy, and aggressive music, and it works so well it's incredible.
I love stuff like this because it's beautifully heavy. Along with all that, it does have a premise and an idea behind it. As I mentioned earlier, it's like a horror flick in the form of a song.
Having said that, it does speak of personal struggle. There is a layer of honesty lurking just beneath the surface of this track, and she's expressing a lot there.
I'm not going to get too deep into it, but if you listen to the song and pay attention to the lyrics, you'll be able to pick up on that.
I also really adore this music video that comes along with the track.
Getting back to the whole horror flick of a song idea, the music video is exactly that.
It follows a girl being hunted by someone in a mask throughout her house. Stalked, threatened, scared, and then, at the very end, there's a bit of a surprise that I'm not giving away.
Sorry about that but you will just have to watch the video to see.
I will tell you that it goes back to what I mentioned earlier about having some layers of personal stuff going on within the lyrics of the tracks and showing that honesty in the song, although somewhat hidden behind a metaphoric monster..
At any rate, this video was shot amazingly, and it does actually feel like you're watching us seen in a horror flick.
You can tell a lot of attention to detail went into both the song and the video, and it's something that I watched more than a few times to really soak everything in.
This was unique because of how she sings and the way the song was arranged.
It's all very well woven, and the energy level feels almost like a live performance.
It's almost like they recorded this live on the floor and then went back and did some overdubs later.
It feels like everyone involved was feeding off of each other's energies the entire time giving this track and almost live performance drive and energy.
It's definitely been a while since I've watched a music video that was this much fun and heard a song that had a unique way of blending that beauty and elegance vocally with super memorable and gorgeous Melodies along with heavy and trudging music.
A killer track with an amazing video; check out "778" right now.
It's literally embedded just below, so you have no excuses.
You won't regret it.