An Interview With Michel Neray

A release from Michel Neray brings out a very soulful experience coated in a warming pop style along with guitars that scream of classic rock and blues undertones and together it all shines with a southern soul that you can't turn away from.
"Follow me Says The River" is absolutely driven by certain breeds of that classic rock influence and it feels welcoming as it surrounds you with a groove and that touch of grit that comes with this semi-rustic blues tonality.
This track definitely comes through lush and full-bodied as it tells its story and this is also a big part of this style of songwriting. It's the storytelling and the perspective which is very unique in this song.
The guitars throughout the course of the song are outstanding as they bend and they sway performed with that heart and soul. And that is exactly what you want from a song like this.
And that's the thing about releases like this one. The songwriting is one thing but the performance is another. You can have a song that's written really well but if the performance lacks or the soul isn't really there then it won't come through the way it's really supposed to.
So when performing this track you can literally hear that heart in the notes being played and the vocals being performed which creates an atmosphere for the song.
And this is what it's all about. Building that atmosphere and Michel pulls this off without a hitch like it's second nature to him.
One of the other cool aspects about this song is the energy of it in general. The instruments are played in a way where it almost feels like it's recorded live on the floor by a full band.
The players are almost feeding off each other's energies to give that soundscape and it works like a charm.
If there were a single word that I would use to describe this entire song, that would be genuine.
This track is completely genuine from beginning to end and you get a great feel for the musicianship and experience of someone that creates songs with everything in him.
With the release of such a wondrous single, we did want to have a sit down with Michel Neray to find out what this song is actually about from his perspective.
We also wanted to find out what might be coming up next for the artist.
Here's what happened.
TSWS: When did this all start for you? When did you fall in love with music?
I’ve been in love with music for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until recently that I pursued my passion in music and discovered a wellspring of creativity that I didn’t know I had. Like the river, music has taught me much about myself.
TSWS: What inspires you to write a song?
Every song begins with a tickle at the back of my brain that makes me smile, think, feel, shuffle my feet, or all of the above...
TSWS: This single has some great styles! Can you give us some of your top musical influences?
My musical education spans a huge swatch of eclectic styles, from rock to jazz to opera to blues to country. That’s why I identify most strongly with Americana, which is itself the confluence of so many styles.
TSWS: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
Hah, I’m a writer. When I’m not writing songs, I’m writing headlines, taglines, web copy, blogs, and articles. I love language and power of words.
TSWS: Who's in your headphones right now?
Jason Isbell, Nathaniel Rateliff, Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, John Prine, Jimmy Eat World, Running Red Lights…. Yeah, the algorithms can’t figure me out either.
TSWS: Are you doing any live performances right now?
Yes, doing bunch of shows locally. Breweries seem to love my music!
TSWS: This single feels like a big undertaking, is there any advice you'd give to other up and coming artists out there?
Keep writing, producing and recording. Remember, the people around always want to keep us where we are — or were. It’s our job to keep growing.
TSWS: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
More music that makes you think, smile, feel, shuffle your feet, or all of the above!
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Thanks for listening. If my music sparks a thought or emotion in you, reach out and let me know!